The debate whether Exodus holds the children to be liable for the sins of their fathers or makes them responsible for their own iniquities is confusing, as both edicts are outlined in the Exodus in different verses. And to further muddle things, in Deuteronomy it is stated “Fathers shall not be put to death for their sons, nor shall sons be put to death, everyone should be put to death for his own sins.” (Read Exodus 20.5, 34 6-7 and Deuteronomy 24.16.)
Very unclear and a mixed message for sure!
But if we consider the present day situation, in reality the message seems to be crystal clear: The sins of the fathers will be left at the door of the children for their demise.
I am talking about the practical drama unfolding today where our present generation is guilty of ignoring the global warming of our planet though they should know better than this.
This “sin” will kill our children, wipe out the whole next generation or annihilate future humankind. Granted the catastrophe of a dying world may not happen in the time of the next generation, it would surely leave the coming generations—referred to as our sons in the holy books– completely doomed once it becomes irreversible.
The cardinal sin of our present generation in letting climate change progress unabated by ignoring its causes is deplorable. And you don’t have to be a follower of any particular religion, or any religion, to know this.
Those who fail to acknowledge the disaster we are courting are on the side of mammon and wealth over the welfare of the future of humankind. They readily produce feeble arguments—against science and against common sense. They erect superficial polemic to justify their greed. They are the ones who would rather abet the guilty parties let make more money at the expense of an unprecedented crime. The crime is the rape of a planet which can’t even say, “Me too.”
Strange, but not so strange, the main culprit in the mix is the mecca of capitalism—The United States of America.